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  • Feb 2, 2019, 05:15 AM
    Story Writer
    How to control urinating at night?
    I am 40 years old. I have been facing a piquing problem. While at night, I, once or twice a year, piss at night in the bed. I do not have any other medical illness, so to say. As far as I presume, I am well. However, while at night, in Winter (I live in India, in state of Punjab), I answer nature's call, in bed. And, when I piss, I feel like being in the urinal, but end up learning it (that I did it in bed), only after the underwear gets wet.

    1 - Is this a problem or a symptom of any medical sickness?
    2 - What should I do? How to control it?
    3 - Is it a common problem?
  • Feb 2, 2019, 10:06 PM
    Have you spoken to your doctor about this? This is something that you should consult your doctor about.
  • Feb 2, 2019, 11:50 PM
    Story Writer
    Thanks sir/madam,

    I did not, as it is very rare. It happens with me only once or at most twice, a year, and that too during the winter. I repeat, I live in Punjab, a state of India. Is it serious to have it once or twice a year?

    Kindly reply. Thanks again!!
  • Feb 3, 2019, 10:17 AM
    Do you ever need to get up during the night to use the bathroom? If so, how often?

    Perhaps on the few nights you urinated in your sleep, you were especially tired and weren't sensitive enough to your bladder's need to empty.
  • Feb 3, 2019, 05:06 PM
    Did you drink any liquids the 3 - 4 hours before going to bed? Specifically at the times this occurs?

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