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  • Jan 23, 2018, 05:51 PM
    Is it implantation bleeding or a regular period?
    Professional answers please. Yesterday, what I believed to be my period just started and although it seemed to start rather heavy, it has all of a sudden become lighter and my cramps don't seem to be as intense. Could this be due to implantation bleeding as opposed to a real menstrual period? It's concerning me because I know it could all point to a huge possibility that I might be pregnant which I have most certainly not prepared myself for. It's been at least 3 weeks since my boyfriend and I made love to one another. Today is the 24th and we made love on the 3rd of January, but we didn't have penetrative sex. Instead, he masturbated in front of me until he orgasmed but he held onto his penis very tightly as he stood up so as to prevent the semen from leaking out. I then gave him a tissue so he could then let it all leak out onto that and then I took it to the bathroom to flush it down the toilet and then I washed my hands afterwards. But what is worrying me is whether he wiped his penis thoroughly after ejaculating because while he promised me he had, we then started cuddling and I'm pretty certain his penis came into contact with my vagina during that. Is there a chance I still could have become pregnant from this alone or are the odds very unlikely? I have a terrible memory and I only remember things very vaguely. A few days before, it began with me worrying that I was going to miss a period this month until I started bleeding yesterday which gave me a sense of relief at first, but then I began wondering whether it's really just "spotting" and now I can't stop worrying or stressing.
  • Jan 23, 2018, 05:59 PM
    Well, play adult games, pay adult prices... however I think the odds are really remote you are pregnant. Not impossible. Just unlikely.
  • Jan 23, 2018, 07:38 PM
    I doubt you are pregnant if what you described happened. However, if you are "not prepared", it may not be the same answer next time.
  • Jan 24, 2018, 03:45 AM
    Be a lot more babies in the world if women can get pregnant without penetration. Glad you are practicing safe sex.
  • Jan 24, 2018, 09:43 AM
    Very very very unlikely that you're pregnant if what you described is all that happened.

    As for the bleeding, it sounds like you're having an off period. Implantation bleeding, if you believe in it (many doctors do not) would be spotting, not heavy bleeding.

    The fact that you're so worried shows that you may not be ready to play these grownup games. Maybe it's time to cool it with the sex games until you and the boyfriend are ready for parenthood.

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