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  • Dec 10, 2012, 08:03 PM
    Attracted to a coworker
    I have been married for 2 years but have been with my husband 7 years. He is my best friend and I love him and he says he loves me too. The Only problem I have is we rarely have sex and when we do, it is largely uneventful and unfulfilling for me. I have a coworker who has known me before I met my husband and suddenly there is this attraction. We have a hard time resisting from touching each other, but we kissed the other night. I feel bad doing this because I do love my husband but at the same time I like this co worker a lot too. It is hard to stay away from him because he is my assistant at work. I do not want to look for another job. I do not want to tell my husband. What should I do
  • Dec 10, 2012, 08:09 PM
    You claim you love your husband but your actions say otherwise. If you really did love him, you wouldn't be so tempted. You just have to make a decision... your husband, or this guy at work.
  • Jan 12, 2013, 01:59 AM
    The reason why sex with hubby is uneventful is because your mind has always been with your assistance since day 1 after marrying your hubby.You said so... you had known each other even before meeting hubby.When you said... ''suddenly there was this attraction!''(with this assistant) it was just a lie just to justify your clumsy stupid act.

    The touching bit is always the climax of this feeling for each other but you decided to go one step further and kiss him..!. and the next step is sex. After that divorce is inevitable.

    I would advice you to ''STOP!'' right there... this problem and your family can be salvaged.Please love your husband and not your assistant.When you have sex with hubby... make it eventful I mean lift him up,throw him across,jump on him, kick the wall rip the beddings and so and so forth hahaha... comon girl make it happen! But to him not that stupid guy lol...
  • Jan 12, 2013, 02:31 AM
    You need to change jobs and cut off all contact with this assistant. Among other things having this type of contact with someone who works for you is career suicide.

    You also need to work on your marriage, including your sex life with your husband.

    I don't think you should confess this to your husband - just stop it and work on the marriage, and stop acting so foolish as if you can stay in a job and relationship with this person.
  • Jan 12, 2013, 07:42 AM
    Yes, change jobs, and get into counseling.

    You do not accidentally kiss a co worker,

    You do not touch and do not get a relationship with them.

    You will never work out things with hubby doing this
  • Jan 13, 2013, 03:44 PM

    Originally Posted by odinn7 View Post
    You claim you love your husband but your actions say otherwise. If you really did love him, you wouldn't be so tempted. You just have to make a decision...your husband, or this guy at work.

    Great reply but I havr to disagree with you on her decision making as you put it: ''your husband, or this guy at work!''
    I would say... ''your husband or your work!''

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