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  • Feb 22, 2012, 04:04 PM
    Calling police on sibling?
    I recently took my sister in after she decided to leave her boyfriend. In a heated argument this weekend she hit me a number of times. I told her to leave and she refused. I threatened to call the police so she would leave but she didn't, so I called them. My family are upset with me because I involved the police in a family matter. I'm trying to understand this mindset when I'm the one who's bruised and broken. Thoughts?
  • Feb 22, 2012, 05:13 PM
    Tell those upset family member to actually help you out by taking your sister into their home. Battery should not be accepted from anyone, family or not. If your husband did this to you the cops would have taken him in and those family would probably be OK with it. For some unknow reason some folks feel a fight between two sisters is a fair fight, which it is not.
  • Feb 22, 2012, 05:46 PM
    Thank you. Certainly wasn't a fair fight due to the difference in our sizes and I would never try to hurt her. Could've retaliated but didn't. Thank you
  • Nov 3, 2012, 10:19 AM
    Don't try to understand their mindset. They're wrong.
  • Nov 3, 2012, 07:53 PM
    If your sister is old enough to live with a boyfriend, and then with you, she's old enough to know not to hit people. I think your actions were appropriate and your message to the family as a whole should be "If anyone over the age of 10 ever hits me, the police will be called. I'm not putting up with it. If you want to let people hit you, that's your decisions". Your sister has a heck of a way to thank you for giving her shelter and saving her from her own dumb action (moving in with her boyfriend). I would not let her move back in. Ever. I wonder if such behavior is otherwise permitted by your family members?

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