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  • May 5, 2009, 05:59 PM
    Unions ,is the rigth choice?
    I've been a mechanic for constrution equipment for 7 years . LOCAL 150 is trying to represent us ,I am the foreman of my shop and have good relations with the president of the company ,but I don't know if which side shuold I take?
  • May 5, 2009, 07:29 PM

    Unions were needed in the first half of the 20th century. Now their only reason for needing new participants is the money flow to support them. They only want your employees money & can't produce any more benefits than is already guaranteed by law. Talk to your shop workers. Ask for their ideas. Unions were created because companies were treating the employees unfairly. If you are being treated fairly by the company then there is no need for a union in your company.
  • May 8, 2009, 01:10 PM

    Every union job I had was a waste of my money. I paid dues and I never saw any benefit. Now unions are getting so desperate they are trying to do something called card check where they have employees sign to win something and don't tell you you are voting to have a union. It does away with a secret ballot.

    Beware of Mandatory Arbitration in Card Check - THE UNION LABEL
  • May 8, 2009, 06:22 PM

    You are or will be firmly in the middle from what you have described.
    Your only hope is to enforce the policies and procedures of the company and honor the agreements between the union and your company.
    When disputes arise, if there is clear policy, settle it. If not clear policy get out of the middle and let the company and union settle it.
  • May 8, 2009, 06:56 PM

    What extra benefit will the union offer that the company does not now provide.

    And will the company be able to stay open and get jobs if they have the added burden of the union requirements.

    With well over 1/2 of the construction companies I know of closing, extra costs now may be a poor idea.
  • May 11, 2009, 10:46 AM

    Labors benefits are higher then company and also explain to organizer representative about how slow we are in services also sales and he told me the company was in the top 5 (mony wise) in the state
  • Mar 30, 2010, 08:38 PM

    I agree with only the last part of what Bones wrote. If you are in good standing with your boss and the workers are being treated fairly, then there's probably no need to join the Local 150. However, I disagree that unions only exist to recruit new members to collect more money.

    I can't speak for all industries, but I can speak for teachers. In my 8 years as a teacher I have needed union representation on a couple occasions. In both instances I was sticking up for a spe ial education student's rights. My administrator did not like how I expressed to the parents of one of my students the FACT that money, and not the best interests of the child, were being considered. The parents thanked me... my principal did not.

    In situations like this and in many others my union doesn't just stick up for its members but it sticks up for students' rights as well. Our union reps spend countless hours away from their families and are only given a very, very small stipend in return for all their hard work. They are certainly not in it for the money. And when the district comes to us with a problem or concern, our union is more than willing to work something out that will be beneficial to both sides.

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