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  • Jan 29, 2009, 08:17 PM
    Finding IQ test for five year old
    Hi, I want to get my five year olds IQ tested... does anyone know where I can have that done? She just turned five last month and can already read on a first grade level and is adding and subtracting she also remembers things from when she was about 18 months old. When you talk to her it's like talking to an eight year old. She is in private K now but will have to test to get into public first or do another year of kindergarten in public school but I know she will be bored!! Any suggestions? :confused:
  • Jan 29, 2009, 08:57 PM

    My personal advice is don't do it--or at least be very, very careful and do this with much thinking and planning. My parents realized how smart I am when I wasn't even two yet. They didn't get me tested, but the school system recognized my brilliance and pushed me into 2nd grade when I should have been in Kindergarten. I HATED IT!! I was always the youngest child and, even then, outshone the others who were finger-pointing when we read out of our readers. (I read the whole book the first night at home.) I stopped raising my hand because the teachers, who knew I knew the answer, never would pick me.

    The point is be sure she gets socially adjusted, has lots of interaction with kids her own age in school and outside of it. It's really easy to dislike a smart kid.

    Also, teach her how to occupy her time and to go the extra mile, to find ways to broaden herself without depending on a teacher to do that for her. Encourage her to play and pretend and have an imagination. That's what my parents did for me and saved my sanity.

    Nowadays there are programs and even schools for the gifted and talented, so all the students have special abilities. If you must go the IQ test route, be sure to check out such schools in your area, but don't forget, she's just a little girl. Read to her, play memory games with her, let her help you make up grocery shopping lists and go shopping with you (with her participating), let her help you bake cookies and brownies, (counting, measuring). In fact, if there's a Montessori school in your area, check that out too.

    You want her to become a well-rounded individual, not just a trivia expert.
  • Mar 5, 2009, 05:13 PM

    Hello Alexa!

    I think it's perfectly acceptable for you to want to have your child's IQ tested. However, if you do go this route, I have some suggestions that might be worth your consideration. Very early on in my own life, my parents suspected that I was exceptionally bright. They had me tested for the first time when I was 3 months shy of my 4th birthday. I remember taking it, and I just thought it was fun. Here's the thing: they didn't tell me that I was taking an IQ test. Then, after they got the results back and discovered that my score had already qualified me for Mensa, they didn't share my score with me. I highly suggest going that route: just don't tell her that she's taking an IQ test, and do not reveal her score to her. She's allowed to know that she's smart and that she's a special kid, but you don't want your daughter to get caught on the meaning of that number. Honestly, I would avoid telling her her score unless she really requests it once she is far into adulthood.

    Raising a gifted child is no easier than growing up as a gifted child. There are many challenges unique to raising gifted children, and the best way for you to do your job as best you can is to really get informed, stay involved with your child's teachers and her schooling, continue to find the right balance in the challenges presented to her, keep her well socialized, and keep supporting and encouraging her natural strengths and interests. This is a dynamic, ever-changing process that does take time and dedication. However, these steps can each do wonders for your child's growth, happiness and development both short term and long term.

    Although you will encounter some who suggest otherwise, "gifted" is not at all a bad word. Quite the opposite, it is a blessing that can give your child special opportunities and chances in life. It is a gift. The trick is that you need to be well informed and on top of things. Also remember that her EQ ("emotional quotient" is at least as important as her IQ. Balance is key. Pushing her too hard can be as harmful as not pushing her enough. Appropriate challenges and appropriate stimulation are the best ways to help her to get to succeed through his childhood and to build a foundation in confidence and self-belief that could serve her well through her adulthood.

    You might want to contact Mensa to speak with them. They offer professional IQ testing, and they can also provide you with all kinds of information to help you learn more about what you can do as parents of a gifted child. In addition, if your daughter qualifies for Mensa, you could also have the opportunity to engage in social gatherings with other young, gifted members children and their families.

    I would love to hear how everything progresses! If you have any other questions, just come back to post! Lots of luck!
  • Nov 8, 2009, 09:35 AM
    Rofl, ungrateful can't even say thanks.

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