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  • Mar 7, 2013, 01:11 AM
    I like to buy a new camera suggest me one?
    I recently started liking taking pictures.(with my mobile only now).I am planning to buy a new cam.. some says to buy SLR.. I don't know which one to buy?any suggestions.. I like taking nature photographs. Fashion photographs too.
    My budget is not that good suggest me one between 600$ and 800$..
  • Mar 7, 2013, 04:03 AM
    I suggest going to a camera store and picking one in your budget and capability; the staff will help you decide. I don't know where you are but you won't have to spend 600 or 800.
  • Mar 7, 2013, 05:15 AM
    Canon EOS Rebel, t3i, and 2 or 3 lenses. Will cost 700-800.
    Very respected company with excellent support (real people), and a best selling model.
    You can bargain prices just you do with a car, or find a good deal online. Try Beach Camera.
  • Mar 7, 2013, 11:01 AM

    Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    Canon EOS Rebel, t3i, and 2 or 3 lenses. Will cost 700-800.
    Very respected company with excellent support (real people), and a best selling model.
    You can bargain prices just you do with a car, or find a good deal online. Try Beach Camera.

    The cam you mentioned costs a little more than my budget.. it costs more than 48000 rs here like around 900$.. I can't afford that..
    Hey what about Canon EOS 550D SLR or Nikon D5100 SLR or anyelse?
  • Mar 7, 2013, 11:15 AM

    Originally Posted by letmethink View Post
    the cam you mentioned costs a little more than my costs more than 48000 rs here like around 900$..i can't afford that..
    hey what about Canon EOS 550D SLR or Nikon D5100 SLR or anyelse?

    I guess you don't like shopping around. You are missing out asking us to do it for you.
  • Mar 7, 2013, 11:29 AM

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    I guess you don't like shopping around. You are missing out asking us to do it for you.

    I already told its costly around here and my parents will kill me if they find out.They don't like me buying a camera because they think it will effect my studies.
    I don't want to buy from net.. really don't like the idea of getting it delivered to my parents
  • Mar 7, 2013, 11:33 AM
    So what does that have to do with going to the store and shopping around? You said you don't want to buy from the net... then go to the store and look around, ask questions, and buy there. That's what Tickle was pretty much telling you.
  • Mar 7, 2013, 11:47 AM
    Yeah I understand the problem is when girls go to shop especially without elders in my place the salespersons will always show us the bad models and will force us to buy them if we don't have a clue about the things.
  • Mar 7, 2013, 11:56 AM
    My son has a Canon digital camera that cost only $100 or so. It takes excellent pictures, and since he is new at photography, this is a good learning camera. A friend who is an experienced photographer bought the same model and is also very happy with it. You do not have to spend much money nowadays. My husband is a photographer and just told me to tell you to start with a basic digital camera, especially if this is just for your own personal fun. You do not need a SLR camera. He also said to check online for digital camera reviews.
  • Mar 7, 2013, 12:01 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    My son has a Canon digital camera that cost only $100 or so. It takes excellent pictures, and since he is new at photography, this is a good learning camera. A friend who is an experienced photographer bought the same model and is also very happy with it. You do not have to spend much money nowadays. My husband is a photographer and just told me to tell you to start out with a basic digital camera, especially if this is just for your own personal fun. You do not need a SLR camera. He also said to check online for digital camera reviews.

    Forgot to mention actually I have a digital camera.bought some 3 years back and really got the idea of buying a better one after that.
  • Mar 7, 2013, 12:07 PM
    I have a Nikon that I think is a fantastic camera.

    Nikon Coolpix 16.1 Megapixel Compact Camera Black 26329 - Best Buy
  • Mar 7, 2013, 12:28 PM
    I have a $100 camera, and it certainly does have it's limitations for fine photography.
    I have sort of wanted that Canon EOS, but am not willing to spend the money just yet.
    Buy it on eBay, where you have buyer protection if you have a Paypal account.
    You can get it there for $600-700 depending on the lenses, and Beach Camera is a reputable company. I even bought a big TV from their eBay ID.
  • Mar 7, 2013, 12:31 PM

    Originally Posted by odinn7 View Post
    I have a Nikon that I think is a fantastic camera.

    Nikon Coolpix 16.1 Megapixel Compact Camera Black 26329 - Best Buy

    Cam looks good.. am not a pro so don't know to say in an expert way.
    Actually can you tell me the difference between a dslr and a digital cam? I need a cam just to take nature photographs and fashion too. I just want the pictures to look awesome with my small budget cam
  • Mar 7, 2013, 12:38 PM

    Originally Posted by letmethink View Post
    cam looks not a pro so don't know to say in an expert way.
    actually can u tell me the difference between a dslr and a digital cam? i need a cam just to take nature photographs and fashion too. i just want the pictures to look awesome with my small budget cam

    I know nothing about the terms associated... All I know is that the camera takes fantastic pictures, has many great features about it, and it feels like it's well made.
  • Mar 7, 2013, 12:41 PM

    Originally Posted by letmethink View Post
    forgot to mention actually i have a digital camera.bought some 3 years back and really got the idea of buying a better one after dat.

    Some of the best photographers do their best work with old cameras, inexpensive cameras. I can't give a link, but have read articles and seen their work. Time of day, the season, the subject can be caught with a good inexpensive digital camera.
  • Mar 7, 2013, 12:47 PM

    Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    I have a $100 camera, and it certainly does have it's limitations for fine photography.
    I have sort of wanted that Canon EOS, but am not willing to spend the money just yet.
    Buy it on ebay, where you have buyer protection if you have a Paypal account.
    You can get it there for $600-700 depending on the lenses, and Beach Camera is a reputable company. I even bought a big TV from their ebay ID.

    No I don't have a paypal account.guess I will have to believe in the salesperson and have to cam a cam they shows..
  • Mar 7, 2013, 12:50 PM

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    Some of the best photographers do their best work with old cameras, inexpensive cameras. I can't give a link, but have read articles and seen their work. Time of day, the season, the subject can be caught with a good inexpensive digital camera.

    Yeah but I am not sure it will work the same way with me .
  • Mar 7, 2013, 02:13 PM

    Originally Posted by letmethink View Post
    cam looks not a pro so don't know to say in an expert way.
    actually can u tell me the difference between a dslr and a digital cam? i need a cam just to take nature photographs and fashion too. i just want the pictures to look awesome with my small budget cam

    SLR stand for Single Lens Reflex. It is the way a camera sees and shoots a picture. The D is for digital. Before all this the SLR was the camera of choice for many but the draback was that it uses 35mm film. Now in the digital age you don't have film to worry about.

    The SLR format will be more flexible then just the digital camera in that you usually have more features. So as you gain experience you can "play" with it more to get different effects. Just make sure that anything you buy at ths time has at least 12 megapix and get one that offers the most non digital zoom you can afford.

    Digital zoom tries to make up for the short comings of the camera where non digital keeps the picture more pure.
  • Apr 16, 2013, 03:05 AM

    Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    Canon EOS Rebel, t3i, and 2 or 3 lenses. Will cost 700-800.
    Very respected company with excellent support (real people), and a best selling model.
    You can bargain prices just you do with a car, or find a good deal online. Try Beach Camera.

    Canon EOS Rebel T3i is a good choice in cameras for photography. I have this one and I am fully satisfied.
  • May 15, 2013, 08:45 PM
    The internet is a great way to research camera quality and to shop. You have actually gotten good answers here on AHMD, but you seem resistant to the suggestions, and we can't do all your shopping for you. Either take our advice or Google a search term like "digital camera review" CNet is a big camera review site. There are others. Use the camera manufacturer sites to learn about their cameras and list prices. Canon and Nikon are well regarded camera manufacturers. Check the review sites for old reviews and shop the used camera sites. Here is a start:

    ----- digital camera review
    ----- CNet
    ----- Consumer Reports
    ----- how to buy a camera
    ----- Canon cameras
    ----- Nikon
    ----- Keh cameras
    ----- Craigslist
    ----- eBay

    SLR cameras come from the old days of film. SLR means that you see the scene as it will be shot. When you press the shutter, the mirror that allows this, flips up out of the way, to impress the image onto film. Digital cameras make SLRs obsolete. Film is almost obsolete. This dates me, but in my high school days, I used an SLR, but I also photographed with rangefinders, twin lens reflex and 8X10 film large format cameras.

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