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-   -   I have full custody but I'm not on the birth certificate, do I have to take a DNA? (

  • Aug 25, 2017, 08:29 AM
    I have full custody but I'm not on the birth certificate, do I have to take a DNA?
    Wanting to know I already was granted full custody of my son in order to put myself on the birth certificate now he's 15 will I have to do a DNA?
    Also what happens if I'm not the dad?
  • Aug 25, 2017, 09:05 AM
    How were you granted full custody? Why are you on the BC without having a DNA test done, and when exactly were you named on the BC? At birth? If after birth, how long after the birth?

    What happens if you aren't the Dad? We really can't answer that. In order to get the most accurate answer, you will have to provide more information. Paint us a picture, if you will, as to your relationship with the mother all the way through to the granting of custody.
  • Aug 25, 2017, 09:18 AM
    I'm not on the birth certificate for him that's the thing the mother was not doing things as she should and the kids were taken from her and put into state custody there is 3 in total that I'm talking about 2 of them being mine with a DNA test to prove so she told the state that all three was mine and I was granted custody I have had full custody for 13 years but now he wants to have the same last name as me and I would like to be on the birth certificate but wondering if that will require a DNA test for us in order to do so..
    So after having custody of him all these years and if its required to do DNA testing to be put on his birth certificate and to change his last name what would happen if he turns out not to be mine as there is a chance he may not be..
  • Aug 25, 2017, 11:11 AM
    Any question of law should include the region, state or county, as laws may vary, but generally all that's required is mutual consent between a parent, and child. Having full and legal custody should be enough.

    Legal Reasons to Change a Minor's Last Name | LegalZoom Legal Info

    Contact your local clerk office for an application, and further details.
  • Aug 25, 2017, 04:20 PM
    As noted it depends on where you are located. Different areas have different rules. Your first stop is your local Bureau of Vital Statistics. They should be able to advise what the process is for amending a birth certificate. It may be that your Custody order is enough. Or it may be that you have to legally adopt. But they should be able to give you the details.
  • Aug 25, 2017, 10:39 PM
    In many locations the birth certificate can be amended only during a 30-day period of the birth of the baby. There may be some extenuating circumstances, and yours may be one. In order to do what you want, a DNA test will have to be done to prove paternity. Since you have custody, this should not be hard.

    You don't say what role the mother plays in his life, so a name change might be hard/impossible without her consent.

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