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  • Oct 6, 2015, 02:25 AM
    What topic to choose?
    I'm going to write an essay but I need to surprise my professor. To say the true I was never an exemplary student but this time I want to show everyone that I really can do it. What topic would you recommend me to choose? It has to be interesting, maybe something new, but not too much difficult. If you have any ideas, please share it.
  • Oct 6, 2015, 03:13 AM
    What subject are you studying here ?
    After all pointless doing research on the make up of the perfect pancake in a math class.
  • Oct 7, 2015, 02:01 AM

    Originally Posted by Curlyben View Post
    What subject are you studying here ?
    After all pointless doing research on the make up of the perfect pancake in a math class.

    Ooh, I'm sorry, you're absolutely right, it was silly from my side to don't write it. I'm studying philosophy.
  • Oct 7, 2015, 02:49 AM
    The relationship of Idealism within the framework of Phenomenology and how it relates to reality.
  • Oct 7, 2015, 04:28 AM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    The relationship of Idealism within the framework of Phenomenology and how it relates to reality.

    Oh, I think that is an excellent topic !
  • Oct 7, 2015, 08:53 AM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    The relationship of Idealism within the framework of Phenomenology and how it relates to reality.

    Oooh, sounds greate! But.. I'm not sure I'm able to write about it. Maybe it would be easier to visit online services or smth like this?( I mean isn't it too much difficult to me? Or it's just sounds so frightening? Anyway thank you so much for helping and idea!
  • Oct 7, 2015, 08:59 AM

    Originally Posted by lunabierman View Post
    Oooh, sounds greate! But.. I'm not sure I'm able to write about it. Maybe it would be easier to visit online services

    So you're going to surprise your professor by cheating and plagiarizing? There ARE other topics to write on.
  • Oct 7, 2015, 10:25 AM
    I think you are off to excellent failure just by asking total strangers for an interesting topic. There is no such thing in abstract. WHAT INTERESTS YOU? I get the feeling that nothing does, except a college degree.

    I am interested in many things, some old knowledge, some brand new discoveries.

    Philosophy doesn't have to be a bunch of isms. It can have many practical aspects.
    Educating all students equally: is that what's most fair to all, or is it unfair to both the brightest and the slowest?
    Cloning humans: do we do it because it can be done and all science has some virtues for the future, or do we prohibit it, and why? (ethics, but ethics is part of philosophy)
    Keeping religion out of government, and gov't out of religion: how strict does that have to be and why?
    There is more and more state tolerance of suicide and assisted suicide. How do past mores and laws clash with present attitudes? Is it really a slippery slope, resulting in selective killing, perhaps by relatives wanting their inheritance?

    I could go on all day.
  • Oct 8, 2015, 03:31 AM
    I will be blunt, if you are taking a philosophy course, the things I mentioned are some of the very (and I do mean basic) elements of philosophy in that school of thought.

    As for as "buying" a paper, it does not work, they are known and published normally, so all that will do, is get you a F for the paper, and maybe the class.
    If your professor does any checking, they merely put your paper into a check program, and it will show where any series of words were ever used in any other published paper. Also a good teacher knows your writing style.
    *** LOL... note I am a University professor.

    To over simplify the idea, the idea of philosophy is that there is nothing you can really trust or prove, that even our own existence can be challenged by our perceptions.

    If what I recommended seems hard. (I have to ask, if you are a poor student?) sorry but that is one of the basic fundamentals

    Let me go a step more simple.

    Every student must learn (at least should) about Plato's analogy of the cave. Take it and compare it to how we view like, perhaps compared to public education, or some other idea.
  • Oct 8, 2015, 07:38 AM
    I cannot believe what I just read. Reading the question and seeing all the grammatical errors I had a hunch about what I was getting into, but then again the determined student never fails to amaze us all. My advice kid, is to bury your head into some books, and stop looking for shortcuts. Life only gets harder from here, so take everyone's advice and actually TRY for something.
  • Oct 8, 2015, 07:44 AM
    Questionair, welcome to this site. PLEASE look before you leap. This is a world site, and many of the questions are from people for whom English is a second language. This person's English is pretty good. His or her location says New York, but he sounds like a foreign student, in several ways. Philosophy is difficult enough in English.

    Sure, some of the responses here start out with "I cannot believe what I just read." Said it myself. But this is not the kind of situation I would ever be snide about.
  • Oct 8, 2015, 10:24 AM
    Thank you joypulv, I understand your concern and I appreciate it. I just don't understand how someone could ask for help then try to cheat their way out instead of taking the advice is all.
  • Oct 8, 2015, 03:03 PM
    He is pretending it's a good topic. He has no clue what it even means. I realize that's an excuse and he should just say so. I'm defending him because I think someone needs to.
  • Oct 8, 2015, 03:39 PM

    Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    He is pretending it's a good topic. He has no clue what it even means. I realize that's an excuse and he should just say so. I'm defending him because I think someone needs to.

    Sorry joy, the poster has to defend himself
  • Oct 8, 2015, 04:10 PM
    It is also very possible, that this was not even a real question. What you also do not see, is the three posts to web sites that sell or write papers. It happens almost every day, that someone asks a questions, and then within a day, there is an answer advertising a web site.

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