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  • Apr 25, 2021, 08:18 AM
    Don't Know What to Say

    I'm really sorry, this probably sounds like a beyond dumb question. Basically, in a nutshell, I have severe anxiety disorders and have been dependent on my parents for help with most things for many years but I'm trying really hard to establish a better sense of independence so I'm asking the internet for help/advice so I can do this myself instead of getting them to do it on my behalf bla...bla...bla...


    I want to book a driving lesson, I've found a teacher near me that I like the look of and am keen to learn with but now I have to initiate contact by sending her a message and I'm not exactly sure what to say/how to word it? Does just saying "Hello, do you have any lessons available?" sound ok? (It's a contact form so already got my name and contact info.)
  • Apr 25, 2021, 10:03 AM
    Maybe begin by messaging the driving teacher, "I am eager to learn how to drive and become more independent. Do you have room in your schedule to take on a new student?"

    Along the way, she does need to know about your anxiety issues.

    May I ask your age?
  • Apr 25, 2021, 02:17 PM
    If I remember right you should be twenty or so. In college? I think you already have a good approach but maybe lack CONFIDENCE?
  • Apr 25, 2021, 10:35 PM

    I'm not exactly sure what to say/how to word it?
    Get excided about it. receiving a $100 tip for delivering a pizza excited.
    Talk to her like your talking to a friend, somebody you've known for years.
  • Apr 26, 2021, 09:51 AM

    Thank you for your reply!

    I know that I need to disclose it and was planning to do it the first time we met...Do you think that's kicking it too far down the road?

    I'm 20 :)

    Thank you for your answer! :)

    I am 20, but not in college.

    Confidence isn't really my strong suit lol.

    I guess I'm gonna have to develop some actual social skills then lol (I do have some, just a bit out of practice more than anything).
  • Apr 26, 2021, 09:55 AM
    Write down what you want to say, and practice it in front of a mirror.
  • Apr 26, 2021, 09:59 AM
    Yeah, that's a good idea! Thank youu :)

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