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  • Sep 30, 2017, 04:02 AM
    Allen Farber
    Explanation of dialogue from show?
    So here's some context. In this show, this anarchist type guy who has an agenda that's all about chaos and death ends up getting killed. But after his death, he ends up being looked up to as a martyr of sorts and a year later, some of his followers resurrect him and bring him back to life. This leads to the guy hacking into a news network and giving the entire city this message:

    "Testing, testing...testing your attention spans! Flunkies included. Soo...some of you may or may not know...I was not 'with you' for the last year. And if I'm speaking more or less raw truth here...going back from the light gives the dark a whole lotta context. I have seen the neon beacon, and I preach to the sheep! There've been some egomaniacs 'round this joint who've given you a screwy notion of unity...and as of last time, I was part of that soft sell. Together for family, together for glory...these IDEALS are balls of yarn those SOBs throw at you to keep you babbling and that you don't see them ready to CUT the cojones from under you!...Well, I'm back, and I'm done being a sideshow or distraction for someone else's rig. If you're done too...I don't wanna see you at my side. I want you in the battlefield. Destroy what holds you back, create what'll ride you into the sunset. Smear lipstick on the sewer rats, take a china doll out to dinner and an intimate hotel, loosen your gears and your joints and UNWIND! 'Cause while the world spins forward, I know every one of you can spin faster and farther."

    Can someone help me understand what a lot of this means? Especially the part about "stepping back from the light gives the dark a whole lotta context" and the part about being a sideshow distraction for someone's rig. I also don't know what he means by "neon beacon" I look it up but nothing comes up. And as for who he's referring to as "egomaniacs" I have no idea who he's talking about, although I'd assume it's the city government
  • Sep 30, 2017, 02:05 PM
    Anarchists have a tough time preaching. Anything they say smacks of Telling People What To Do, which they are supposed to be against, right?
    I read this but it didn't do anything for me so don't feel like reading it again.
    Why is it important to you? You tell us what it means, besides BS.
    I'm a woman; why would I take a china doll to a hotel? And he doesn't know how fast I can spin, or how far, and it's none of his damn business anyway.
    He's a two bit writer looking for sheep who aren't interested.
  • Sep 30, 2017, 02:11 PM
    Allen Farber
    The reason I wanted to know is just so I understand what's happening in the episode and what the character's intentions are. Mainly I'm just curious. And if I knew what it meant, I wouldn't have asked on here lol

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