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  • Aug 23, 2018, 04:01 AM
    Understanding people
    I guess I will never understand people. In late June a lady in my neighborhood whom I had known years ago, and recently ran into again, had seen the flyer re my novel for sale and she asked me for a copy. We met the next evening and she took me to her apt. and gave me a check for the book. She was all excited at having seen me again, etc. gave me her phone number, said "you know where I live now." and she gave me a hug. After four weeks I wrote her a note and asked how she liked my book, thinking she would call back. No call.
    After another four weeks I called her twice and she NEVER PICKS UP HER PHONE. It always goes into voice mail. She works full time days, BUT she has a 93 year old mother living with her. Even so, why not return phone calls. Does anyone understand WHY people do not return phone calls, especially when she was SO EXCITED to see me and the book, etc.
    Thanks for any comments or suggestions.
  • Aug 23, 2018, 04:11 AM
    Is this understanding people or is it you putting expectations on her that she should behave how you determine? Some us loathe talking on the phone. All my friends know not to call me because I won't answer. But also there's the possibility she didn't like your book and doesn't know how to be honest with you. There's the possibility she dropped her phone in the toilet and hasn't replaced it yet. There's the possibility her mother has gotten sick and she is spending time with that. It could be a whole range of issues. But at the end of the day, she's going to do and think how she wants and there's not anything any of us can do about that.
  • Aug 23, 2018, 07:45 AM
    Maybe you should take the next step since the phone doesn't bring you understanding, and checking it out in person.

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