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  • Apr 2, 2007, 08:38 PM
    Is my cat in Labor?
    Hello everyone,
    I am new to this so bear with me. I have been online for days trying to figure out whether my cat is in labor or not. She is showing all the signs, but still no kittens-what are the tell tale signs that it is about to happen-I have been up late for three nights, and still nothing. Do the kittens move more when it is time? Is a rectal temp of 99.3 a sign? She is nesting, and visiting me, and then back to nesting again-how do I tell? Please help! Thanks-Sara and Dora (Cat):confused:
  • Apr 2, 2007, 09:06 PM
    Hi, BtrFlySara!

    If you look at the bottom of this page you will see that your type of question has been previously answered on this site. I just discovered that feature not too long ago.

    There are a couple of really good answers.

    I too, am new to this site.
  • Mar 6, 2008, 06:42 PM
    I don't know either can you tell me?
  • Feb 2, 2010, 05:08 PM
    How Long Can A Cat Be In Labor Before I Need To Worry?
  • Feb 3, 2010, 12:38 AM
    Just so others know who continue to post here...

    This thread is now very old and archived. It's not generally visible, unless someone happens to visit the forum topic are where it's located, or is notified because there is activity on the thread because they've already posted on it.

    If you have a new question, then it would be best if you would start a new thread.

  • Apr 3, 2010, 07:35 AM
    My cat is 9 months old and had her first litter yesterday.I searched the web and studied up, but fell asleep while sh was in labour. My young cat had a bloody spot on her v jj. This was a sign she was in labour.Also we found her in the litterbox in a squating position with a weird look on her face... so I assumed she was looking for a place to have her kittens. We prepared a box with news paper(NO BLANKETS OR TOWEL) removed her from her clumping cat litter, and placed her and her box in a warm dark closet.
    Since I fell asleep, my 11 year old found her giving birth IN THE LITTER BOX! This is deadly for little kittens.First of all, the first two kittens came out when no one was around,and they were covered in the sand. She could not clean them and remove the birth sac from around the baby's or eat the placenta... (which she should have).They suffocated and died. By third kitten, we arrived on scene to help.We immediately washed the baby in warm water, the sac had come off by itself and it was crying loudly.Good sign. I cut the umbilical cord off with scissors and threw out the placenta and sacs as they were covered in sand. We also had to wash the mother as her rear area was sand covered, and put her back in the box wet with her baby.Then everything calmed down, nature took its course and she is a fantastic mother.She is feeding her little one,in the box and all is well.
    So to answer the question, your cat will be in labour until there is a bloody show.The kittens will come 15 minutes to an hour later. BE PATIENT>AND DO NOT HAVE THE LITTER BOX ANYWHERE SHE CAN FIND IT>
    God Bless and good luck.(We named the kitten LUCKY)
    Victoria in Quebec
  • Jun 16, 2012, 10:47 PM
    Help! My cat is having contractions! What is the best way to comfort her she is making very grouchy noises and trying to stay near humans as much as she can. She is a 3 year old calico/ torts shell. She has a very watery butt she has been eating very very VERY much she is in the habit of eating laying being grounchy,eating laying being grounchy over and over again! Please respond this is really important

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