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  • Dec 4, 2012, 11:12 AM
    Kicked during soccer
    I was playing in a soccer game 2 days ago and came out to clear a ball (im a goalkeeper) and I connected with the ball and the other girl connected with my inside of my calf/shin. The initial hit hurt a lot, but I continued to play even though I was in pain. Right after the hit there was initial bruising from where her cleat hit me where my shinegaurd wasn't. There isn't much bruising but it hurts more then it probably looks like. In certain spots its numb to the touch but if you are to do more then a slight touch I am in a lot of pain. It hurts to point my foot it feel like something is really tight right next to my shine bone and the ankel hurts. The bruising is weird its almost splotchy. There is a lot of swelling though I have no ankle right now and it looks as though my calf goes all the way down, so the swelling is high on my calf to not just the ankle. So do you think its just a bad muscle bruise or possibly worse?
  • Dec 11, 2012, 04:12 AM
    Hi ,I hurt my foot at work 2 months ago and now I feel pain on the big toe joint when is cold and can t walk properly .should I see a GP OR A&E. thanks

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