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  • Aug 4, 2017, 10:03 PM
    Story Writer
    Can a lady shaver be used by a male for pube-shave?
    I have a lady-shaver of Nova, which I use for shaving my pubes and bikni area, including arms, legs and underarms. It has its own set of problems, no doubt, but yesterday, I made my husband use it for his own removal of hair from his own genital areas. But, he expressed dissatisfaction like the sort of abrasives and cuts and all, including poor quality shave.

    What can be the potential demerits of using a lady shaver, by a male? Or, does it not make any difference? Can it also affect the quality of the machine?
  • Aug 5, 2017, 04:54 AM
    Man or woman a shaver is only as good as the one who uses it no matter where you are shaving or with what. Have you tried shaving each other? How do you prepare the area to be shaved, and what do you do after you have shaved?
  • Aug 7, 2017, 09:33 AM
    Story Writer
    Thanks for quick and nice reply, Talaniman sir. But, when my husband uses my shaver, he gets some cuts, while I do not. He does not get proper shave, but a sort of trim, while my pubes being very soft, get shaved, or sort of shaved. We have not tried shaving each other yet. We do not do anything specific to prepare the area to be shaved. We just untie the knickers, underwear or legwear and start using the machine. Moreover, we do not do anything after the we (each) have shaved. What should we do to prepare the area to be shaved, and what should we do after we have shaved? Kindly give details.
  • Aug 7, 2017, 11:28 AM
    Any electric razor whether it's made specifically for males, or females, MUST be cleaned after EVERY use just to maintain blade integrity, and sharpness. They all come with cleaning, and regular maintenance instructions. Simply follow them. That alone will improve the quality and ease of shaving, especially if one shaves pubic hairs regularly like every two to three days. Also using a moisturizer for sensitive skin is highly recommended between shaves.

    It's no wonder he gets nicks and cuts if he uses your shaver and neither of you cleans it properly after use. The blades have to be all gunked up with hair, and virtually useless, or ineffective. Also he may have to pre cut his hairs down to a stubble, being thicker and coarser, and use some type of lubricant like baby powder, not oils or lotions, unless he goes with a non electric shaver, which I recommend for guys anyway.

    No I don't, never have, never will, shave my pubes. Not my thing, but the wife enjoyed me shaving her stuff though. That was back in the day as clippers are good enough for her now. We do not share blades.

    Google the many ways and tips to enhance your electric shaving experience since it is a personal thing and everyone is different. May be fun to try different products until you find one that fits you and he should do the same.

    The Best Way to Shave Your Pubic Hair (Men) - wikiHow


    Can a lady shaver be used by a male for pube-shave?

    I do not recommend it, as there are MUCH better ways for guys to shave their pubes, in my opinion.
  • Aug 10, 2017, 06:57 AM
    I feel that the quality of the shaver suffers badly if it is not cleansed drily after every use. Read the instructions given on the shaver or the booklet which you must have received alongwith the machine. I shall suggest you to do it regularly. There must have been a brush, which you might have received alongwith the tool.

    And, I agree with Talaniman that you should shave pubes of each other. This is quite interesting. It will make your love stronger. And, your bond, the strongest!

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