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  • Mar 10, 2007, 10:32 AM
    victim of cyberbullying
    What's everyone opinion on online cyberharrasment,cyberstalking and cyber bulling.I was a victim of cyberharrasment,bullying and stalking on 2 site loveshack and enotalone because I was a virgin and spoke about it. The moderator did nothing to my cyberharrassor but I was victimize . I even had a moderator say he didn't like me posting about virginity. I think it's time cybercriminal be stop but how.
  • Mar 10, 2007, 11:08 AM
    There is a group called CyberAngels that deals specifically with cyber stalking and related issues. Their website is: CyberAngels

    Also see The National Center for Victims of Crime: The National Center for Victims of Crime - Library/Document Viewer

    Here is a resource that give the laws regarding cyberstalking: List of Cyberstalking Laws

    And the last one I will post here is the Cyber 911 Help site: Internet Safety: Cyber911 Emergency - Cyberstalking and Harassment

    You can report, should report, cases of cyberstalking and harassment. It is a threat not to be taken lightly and there are laws that do protect the victims and punish the perpetrtors.

    Good luck to you.
  • Mar 10, 2007, 11:42 AM
    Thank you, I'm scared and don't know what to do.I don't know if I should speak up or keep silent.The moderator on both boards keep giving me violation for speaking out.
  • Mar 10, 2007, 11:44 AM
    Report the moderators! Report them to the FCC or the other cyberstalking agencies that take the complaints. Have everything written down - where you are chatting, the moderators names, examples of what is being said to you, etc. REPORT them!

    Also, if you are being cyberbullied there - what in the world are you still doing on those sites? Get out! Stay away!
  • Mar 10, 2007, 12:38 PM
    I don't know if my cyberharrasment on enotalone or loveshack is consider a serous cybercrime.People harass me because I talk about virginity and the moderater give me a wrongful violation.I'm being viticmize and no moderator from enotalone or loveshack wants to help me.
  • Mar 10, 2007, 12:40 PM
    Why not just leave those sites and join new sites that are more amenable to your cause?
  • Mar 10, 2007, 01:08 PM
    I just got an email from enotalone forum admin He just thumb his nose at my complain and told me in a nut shell go ahead and inform online authurities because he's not afraid.
    I will not post on a board where the forum admin and moderater support cyberharrasser/bullies or stalker on their site. I was wrongful violated and harrass for being a virgin and talking about virginity on enotalone. I can not support a group that harassed virgin and their views.I do not want phsycial harm to come to my body.I'm am speakng out now because if anything happens to me.I want a record.This might be pity to some people (rude comment on a messageboard) but I'm scared because I don't trust anybody from enotalone or what they will do to me.
  • Mar 10, 2007, 01:17 PM
    You don't respond it don't matter what you read.. save all e-mails.. copy and paste all harassment , abuse, and insults to you e-mail box folder KEEP THEM SAFE AND ALSO PRINT THEM OUT... DO STATE ONLY THIS stop harassments.. that is all you say. I have learned you must at least say that but not to fall for the bait.
    If that administration of said site cannot as they claim stop the attacker then you can legally take further actions.
  • Mar 10, 2007, 01:29 PM
    I'm scared to take this to the next level because I'm not use to reporting crimes. I'll just suffer in silent and hope everything goes away.
  • Mar 10, 2007, 01:29 PM
    How can someone form an internet message board cause you physical harm? Have you given out your full home address there?

    This is not like the workplace or school, this is the internet, if you don't like a site then leave and go to a different site. BTW you most likely have no legal recourse in this matter.
  • Mar 10, 2007, 05:28 PM
    The internet is full of private information and a cyberbully/harrasser/stalker can find out anything if they wanted too.I've heard horror stories about cyberstalker stealing private information.I know I have no legal, legal matter here until someone personally harm me and my cyberharrassor know that but I'm still going to put everything on record.It's time people take all types of cybercrime on the internet seriously.

    Thank you everybody,I've decide to make a report.I know my report will go unheard because no bodily harm was done to me but least I have my complain on record and now love shack and enotalone is on record for supporting cybercriminal.
  • Mar 10, 2007, 06:09 PM
    Part of the problem is that people give up way toooo much information online, thinking that it is somehow anonymous and private and we trust too darn much. We drop defenses, unwittingly give out the information they are asking for - and the cyberstalker knows how to ask. They do it almost for a living.

    Personal harm does not mean physical harm - I hope you understand that. Harm is seen in a threat, harassment, cruel and degrading remarks, insinuations, remarks like "I know where you live and ....", any kind of bullying technique that makes you scared, makes you feel like you HAVE to comply. You do not have to comply. You can shut that computer off and no one is coming through the computer to get you. The people who act like they have all the power can only act that way if you are giving them that power. They rely on the victim, which is you, being scared of them. Take back your own power.
    You do not have to sit there and listen to anyone harassing you. There is no law that says you have to stay in that chat room, on that blog, in whatever venue you are in, when this is going on. Get smart and protect yourself. Report those who are verbally and emotionally abusive.

    I hope you never ever gave out your real name, address, phone number, family information, name of school or friends, if you play a team sport, ANYTHING that can be used to identify you and locate you.

    If you need any further information, this is the FCC cyber crime web site. Fraud & Cybercrime

    If you need any further information on definitions, please see the following legal site for internet crime: Internet Crime: Encyclopedia of Everyday Law

    It cannot be said loud enough or often enough - knowledge is power. You do not deserve anyone cyberstalking you. Also beware of your own behaviors and you should do well.

    Take care. If you ever have any questions about this, please contact me. I wouild be more than willing to help if I can.
  • Mar 10, 2007, 06:17 PM
    Thank you.I'm not a member of love shack anymore because the moderator support cyberharrasment and enotalone .I feel the same way.I really want to educate people about message board cybercrime.The only option a cybercrime survivior has is to leave a message board,this is not fair?I want my cyberharrassor ban or place on violation too if I have to leave a forum because of cyber crime.
  • Mar 12, 2007, 05:33 PM
    I know you'd kind of give in but just change your profile name.
  • Mar 12, 2007, 05:47 PM
    I have a problem with this whole thread. I've been a victim of cyber bullying, harassment, and stalking in the past. I've been threatened and had my personal info posted publicly. In other words, I've suffered more than you seem to have.

    My problem is while you may be a victim here, you are the one making yourself a victim. Sites like you refer to (just like this one) are owned by people. These people have a right to run their sites anyway they want to as long as they don't break the law. And nothing I've heard from you sounds like laws being broken. If you go into someone's home and they are mean or rude to you, what do you do? You leave! They are entitled to be rude, mean, boorish, etc. in their own homes. And if they own the site is their backyard, their playground.

    Cyber bullying and harassment are not illegal, unless threats of physical violence are made. Even then, its borderline. Cyber stalking is another issue, but I don't see where that happened.

    So what should you do in a situation like this? Well first, you need to read the terms of service listed for the site to see if what was happening breaks their rules. If it does, you report it to the site operators. If they don't do anything about or react as you have described, then the answer is simple, you leave the site and stop using it. Don't bother reporting anything because there is nothing to be done. Go fnd a more reputable site where the moderators really care about people and don't allow such actions.

    As for your statements about info being available, its true a lot of info is available, but its just not as easy as you think to get at it. If you gave nothing more than a screen name, or a general location, then its highly unlikely anyone will find out more about you.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't support or condone these actions. But I've been hanging out on boards and chat rooms like this for over 20 years. I've seen these situations many times. There is really nothing you can do but leave the site.
  • Mar 12, 2007, 06:43 PM

    Your post is very interesting because most times when a crime happens to a woman(rape,harassment,stalking,bullying),The woman is always too blame.Well, I'm not going to go that route because I was cyberharassed,bullied and stalked on both of these 2 forums. Online people know unless a victim of cybercrime is physically harm offline nothing can be seriuos done but all victim of cybercrimes should report these crimes anyway to the proper people/authorities. We need to stop keeping our stories silent just because people don't take verbal crime seriously until rape or murder happens.
    I can move on but I won't forget that enotalone and loveshack are protecting cyberharasser and punishing cybercrime victims for speaking out
  • Mar 13, 2007, 05:48 AM
    I think you misunderstood me. I have no doubt that you were harassed and bullied (though I still see no evidence of stalking). Nor do I think you were to blame for the initial attacks. But the scenario goes like this:
    1) Post your feelings or thoughts on an issue
    2) Get attacked, harassed and bullied for doing so
    3) Complain to the site operators about the actions

    The next step depends on the results of the last step. If the site operators take corrective action then you are fine. However, if they don't, you have two choices. You can either fight back by defending yourself and your views. Or you can simply leave the site and go someplace where the operators don't permit that type of behavior. To continue to use the site and open yourself for more harassment is allowing yourself to be victimized.

    One of my problems here is you talk about crime where no crime exists. Again its not against the law to be rude and crude. The ONLY proper authorities to report what it appears to have happened to you is the site operators. If they won't do anything, then you move on. Of course, they are allowing their friends to abuse others. But there is no authority or law that prevents them from doing so. That's what I think you don't understand.
  • Mar 13, 2007, 04:09 PM
    My main goal right now is to eduated moderator/forum admin on cyberbullies/stalker/harasser. I've move on but someone needs to educate online people about this cybercrimes.

    This is what moderator need to know about cyberbullies/harassers on messageboards:

    1. The harasser may post comments intended to cause distress to the victim, or make them the subject of harassment by others.

    2. Often the cyberharassment victim is merely in the wrong place at the wrong time, or has made a comment or expressed an opinion that the cyberharasser dislikes

    3. Live chat harassment or "flaming" (online verbal abuse).

    4. Flaming (where insults and verbal attacks are traded online) can often lead to cyberstalking and harassment. Flaming can get out of control quickly and often escalates into serious threats, offline

    5. Cyberstalkers or harassers frequently follow their victims into chat rooms and onto discussion boards, posting lies and hateful messages, or passing misinformation about the victim.
  • Mar 13, 2007, 07:16 PM
    Umm while that is a laudable goal this site has a great group of moderators. We are all pretty well experienced with BBS systems and this is one of the best managed sites I've ever been involved with. If anything this site tends to err on the side of preventing anything that smacks of harassment.

    You are preaching to the choir here. I would also be surprised if anyone running a site that involves boards and/or live chats is not familiar with what you have described. This may be new to you, but its old hat to most of us.
  • Mar 13, 2007, 07:19 PM
    You needkarma. Just don't visit the sites. Visit new ones or sites that promote your type.

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