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  • Nov 9, 2015, 03:59 PM
    Hello. Thanks. I want an advice. I recently joined a new company. Two weeks after I joined the company my ceo went abroad. before he left he was very satisfied with me and said I will get a salary increase. (I feel two weeks is not long enough to decide that ) Anyway he has come back now. I have made some mistakes in documents also. After 3, 4 mistakes i sent him an e mail to apologise. He said try to learn from them you are still in the training period. I feel old staff members will get upset if i get a salary incerease so soon, Now also they kind of think my boss does favourations to me. My director is a very kind and good person. He has to keep his word also now. but my director is little upset with, others have said somethings about me. what is the best way to send him an e mail telling that " I would prefer to have a salary increase after my training period." without making him feel that am interfering to his decision making thing. Thanks in advance.
  • Nov 9, 2015, 04:15 PM
    Why do you think he has to "keep his word" and what exactly was his word.

    He thought at the time, you did great, and now you made some errors. (First you just admit the error, and you tell them it was just a learning experience, if you show yourself to be too weak and timid the other workers will eat you alive.

    And it is there money, if they do give it to you. Refusal would be stupid and a sign you don't believe in yourself.

    Also how and why would anyone else know, (except a few that would have to) what people earn is normally secret, not something shared with an entire staff and esp never co/workers.

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